Sunday, August 11, 2019

Three Levels of Local Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Three Levels of Local Culture - Essay Example When you study the artifacts level you find that in Bastrop volunteers usually interpret the parish history using local artifacts. The level of architecture of buildings is high. There are several building permits given in a year. In the job industry people use formal language. Newspaper and radio cover the news. Values and beliefs are explained in the sense that when IPC mill was closed the mayor predicted that a lot of people will be affected. This could be termed as his own view. In Bastrop there are various attraction sites which include Cairo museum, Tensas river national wildlife and others. The rate of crime is 75.79% than the national average. The government promises a great work force in order to make small businesses grow (Bastrop, 2015). Bastrop has hardworking people though the poverty line is high. For example multinational organizations operating beyond their own national culture, will still have influence of the deepest culture level. Underlying values reflect the way individuals evaluate the self and world. The decision to build a wood pellet in Bastrop will be observed to see if it will be successful or not hence forgotten. Culture exists as: the front line followed by middle management and lastly is corporate level (Nurdin,

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